A.E. 1 Low (White/Core Black/Lucid Red)

Lace up in style with the signature sneakers from adidas Basketball and Anthony Edwards, designed for certified bucket getters like yourself. The adidas AE 1 is crafted to meet the demands of the game's emerging superstars, offering the perfect blend of style, performance, and comfort.

We ask that anyone in line be in line, chairs do not represent you. Our staff has been advised to clear them in the case nobody is sitting in them. Make sure all trash is cleaned up prior to opening. We appreciate your cooperation and that’s why we will continue to hold first come first serve offerings.

We will be releasing this item first come, first serve at 10AM Saturday (2/1). 

Cincinnati will have men's sizes 7-13.
Dayton will have men's sizes 7-11.5.
Indianapolis will have men's sizes 7-11.5.

Retail is $110 for men.