CP3 and Jordan Brand Teamwork
What’s up? As you can see we have been working on some things that just popped up on the radar. Before I tell you more about the product I’d like to tell you a bit about how this all came about.
We’re based in Cincinnati and regardless if you’re a fan of the UC or Xavier you know what each team is doing. I grew up watching UC basketball and I loved everything about it. Huggins brought toughness and guys that worked hard to get where they were. When they were named the first Jordan Brand college team I went crazy. It only made sense that I've loved the brand since and that my city has always had a great love for the brand as well.
Since becoming a retailer in 2008 my dream was to bring that feeling back we lost when the brand and Cincinnati went their separate ways. I have always made sure we supported not only the retro but the performance side. It was easy since I play the game still and I know what it takes to have a great shoe to play in. Many of you have been convinced that you have to try on a CP3 signature shoe.
My respect for CP came from the time I heard Skip recruited him to Wake Forest. Everyone was talking about Bron but I loved the tough guard from North Carolina. Our paths would cross at a JBC event and we would hit it off. He was just a cool guy. Every time we were in the same area he’s made sure I knew I needed to get him more Corporate branded pieces.
Naturally when you get to 10 years in the game you ask to do a shoe. We were lucky enough to be able to do 2 friends and family pairs with the CP3.11 last year.
This year we are blessed to be able to offer in very limited quantities the CP3.12 and apparel pieces you see below.
You see this collection has all the DNA of Jordan Brand, Cincinnati and Corporate. There are so many details on the shoes you may just have to ask in person.
October 5th is personally one of the hardest days to get past as it’s the anniversary of a dear friends untimely passing. The fact our first retail shoe comes out that day feels like Gods work and I know his timing is always perfect. So I hope that you join us in celebrating this release not only for Corporate but Cincinnati.
Thank you to the team of designers and sales team that have made this dream come true. I appreciate you guys and hope you know just how special this is to me.
100% of the profits of this shoe are going back to Bigger Than Sneakers. As you know this our non profit that we hope can change the lives of young boys and girls in our community through various activities.
Thank you,